
Fraudulent Bounce Back Loans in Dormant Companies: A Comprehensive Analysis


The Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) was a crucial lifeline for businesses during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, instances of abuse and fraudulent claims have come to light, including cases where dormant companies falsely secured bounce-back loans. In this comprehensive blog, we’ll delve into the intricate details of how insolvency practitioners detect and address fraudulent BBLS claims by dormant companies.

Understanding Dormant Companies and Bounce Back Loans

Dormant companies are entities that have no significant financial transactions or operations. They are often used for future projects, investments, or holding assets. Some dormant companies sought to take advantage of the situation by exploiting the Bounce Back Loan Scheme, originally designed to support active businesses.

The Role of Insolvency Practitioners

Insolvency practitioners (IPs) play a critical role in identifying and rectifying fraudulent activity in dormant companies that have fraudulently obtained Bounce Back Loans. They meticulously investigate the company’s financial records, assess its legitimacy, and take appropriate actions to address the fraudulent claim.

Key Steps

Key Steps in Detecting Fraudulent Bounce Back Loans in Dormant Companies

  1. Initial Assessment: IPs begin by scrutinizing the company’s status and financial history. If a dormant company has secured a Bounce Back Loan, it raises red flags due to its lack of active operations.
  2. Financial Analysis: IPs delve into the company’s financial statements and records to evaluate its financial activities. Any sudden influx of funds from the Bounce Back Loan, despite its dormant status, is a clear indicator of potential fraud.
  3. Document Verification: IPs verify the legitimacy of the company’s claim by cross-referencing the Bounce Back Loan application details with the company’s status, registration, and financial documents. Discrepancies may indicate fraudulent intent.
  4. Purpose of the Loan: IPs scrutinize the declared purpose of the loan. When a loan was purportedly acquired for business-related expenses, but the company has remained inactive, it prompts inquiries into the true purpose of the loan.
  5. Corroborating Evidence: IPs actively search for corroborative evidence demonstrating that the loan was utilized for legitimate business purposes. They examine invoices, bank statements, and other financial documents to determine if there has been any misuse of funds.
  6. Communication with Lender: IPs engage with the lender that provided the Bounce Back Loan. Transparent communication helps gather additional information about the loan application and disbursement process.
  7. Legal Compliance Review: IPs assess whether the dormant company’s actions violate legal regulations, including fraudulent misrepresentation. If they establish fraudulent intent, they initiate legal steps to address the situation.
  8. Recovery Actions: IPs may initiate recovery actions to retrieve misappropriated funds, working closely with legal authorities and relevant stakeholders.

Legal Framework and Consequences

The Fraud Act 2006 and Companies Act 2006 provide the legal framework for addressing fraudulent activity, including wrongful use of Bounce Back Loans. Dormant companies fraudulently obtaining Bounce Back Loans may face criminal charges, fines, and repayment obligations.


Instances of dormant companies fraudulently obtaining Bounce Back Loans highlight the importance of vigilance and transparency in financial assistance programs. Insolvency practitioners play a crucial role in detecting and addressing such fraudulent claims, safeguarding the integrity of financial relief initiatives. By meticulously analyzing financial records, verifying documentation, and collaborating with lenders. IPs contribute to maintaining a fair and equitable distribution of resources among businesses genuinely in need.